Traffic police in Delhi will be granted an allowance for breathing polluted air. The compensation amount will be graded according to rank, ranging from Rs 100 for constables to Rs 200 for inspectors.

Narmada Bachao Andolan activist Medha Patkar fended with dexterity the provocative questions posed to her in Zee TV's Aapki Adalat.

Oustees of the Kutku and Auranga dams in Bihar complain media attention is the only way of getting justice from the government, but the media devotes its ink only to big money projects

CIVILISATIONS have grown by clearing jungles, draining swamps and reclaiming deserts to produce more food, build cities, mine the earth, establish a variety of infrastructure and develop industry.

By evacuating tribal encroachers from around the Dudhwa park, forest officials have won another round in the struggle for access to forests. But for how long?

As confusion reigns over how municipal water in three Agra localities was contaminated, self appointed social workers are trying to exploit the tragedy.

The Union and Madhya Pradesh governments have been ruled culpable by a Rome-based tribunal of violating the rights of the victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy. The Permanent People's Tribunal

THE CLAIMS courts set up in Bhopal's gas leak-affected areas are rejecting more than half the compensation claims for death due to lack of evidence. Of the 40 courts that were to be set up, only

DECEMBER 2 3 marks the eighth anniversary of the Bhopal gas leak the world's worst industrial disaster. More than 4,000 lives were lost and 6.4 lakh people injured when methyl isocyanate MIC gas leaked from the Union Carbide India Ltd plant. Si

Interim relief payments have thrown up touts galore, and final compensation will only increase the rampant corruption.
