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In the man who planted trees, french author Jean Giono

http://www.business-humanrights.org HAWK'S EYES ON BUSINESS Corporate social responsibility has become a buzzword in industry. Business organizations these days take great pains in emphasizing

This paper focuses on environmental degradation and the need for corporate organisations to fulfill their social responsibilities. Using the systems theory, the interdependence among the environment, organisation and sustainable development was examined. Feb 2008

Treatment of waste water like industrial effluents and sewage is a major problem being faced by corporate sector in India. Of the late, due to major policy shift in industrial licensing policy, corporate sector have now started treatment of industrial waste before releasing the same in rivers.

Corporate social responsibility, once a do-gooding sideshow, is now seen as mainstream. But as yet too few companies are doing it well, says Daniel Franklin (interviewed here)

CSR is spreading around the world, but in different guises

Social impact assessment will be necessary for projects causing involuntary displacement of 400 families in plains and 200 families in hills Land will be acquired at market rate. If the

us retail giant Wal Mart is involved in fraudulent and environmentally and socially harmful practices despite its claims of taking initiatives for sustainablity, says a report. Compiled by the Big

Charter on Corporate Responsibility for Environment Protection (CREP): status of action points (01/10/2007).
