This article critically analyses the decision-making systems behind the proposed Pune metro rail system and its detailed project report, exposing several weaknesses in both. The decision-making system is seen to be ad hoc, and not sufficiently transparent or participative.

Wildlife is the backbone of tourism in Kenya, one of the leading foreign exchange earners for the country. Although wildlife is declining, poverty among communities hosting this wildlife remains endemic.

The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) provides a globally significant demonstration of the effectiveness of large-scale networks of marine reserves in
contributing to integrated, adaptive management.

Marine protected areas (MPAs) that exclude fishing have been shown repeatedly to enhance the abundance, size, and diversity of species. These benefits, however, mean little to most marine species, because individual protected areas typically are small.

Submergence of land is a major impact of large hydropower projects. Such projects are often also dogged by siltation, delays in construction and heavy debt burdens-factors that are not considered in the project planning excercise. A simple

Has the self-styled "sceptical environmentalist" changed his mind about global warming? After all, he says we need $100 billion a year to counteract it.

This comprehensive and analytical review of the iron ore mining industry of Goa by NCAER focuses on the economic, social and environmental impact of this industry on the state.

Annual revenue flow to developing countries for ecotourism (or nature-based tourism) could be as large as US$ 210×1012, providing an enormous financial incentive against habitat loss and exploitation. However, is ecotourism the most privately and/or socially valuable use of rainforest land?

Factoring the planet's multi-trillion dollar ecosystem services into policy-making can help save cities and regional authorities money while boosting the local economy, enhancing quality of life, securing livelihoods and generating employment according to this study released by TEEB for Local and Regional Policy Makers at the biodiversity conference in Ghent, Belgium. 

In Vietnam, urban agriculture still represents a substantial share of food supply and employment. Its contribution to the food needs of the entire population of Hanoi was estimated at 44 per cent in 2002 (Mai et al., 2004). In the same year, over 70 per cent of leafy vegetables originated within a 30 km production radius of the city (Moustier et al., 2004).
