evolution Link...or is it? A well-preserved fossil of primitive lemur Darwinius masilla, nicknamed Ida is believed to represent the point from which the group of monkeys, apes and humans (anthropoids) evolved. The fossil lacks the traits which characterize a modern lemur, a non-human primate. Instead it has a bone in the ankle that has a human-primate shape and it has thumbs,

The recent Cyclone Aila has caused widespread damaged to fishery resources of patuakhali district. The tidal surge that engulfed most part of the district, washed out 1717 shrimp farms of the districts and submerged about 50,000 ponds of the district. Many fishermen lost their fishing nets, trawlers and fishing boats.

The Code of practice for fish and fishery products is intended for all those engaged in the handling, production, storage, distribution, export, import and sale of fish and fishery products. The Code will help in attaining safe and wholesome products that can be sold on national or international markets and meet the requirements of the Codex Standards.

This report summarizes the results of a global study on the development and present status of shrimp fisheries, with a focus on direct and indirect social, economic and environmental impacts. The study reviews the current situation, problems and issues, as well as the solutions found and the trade-offs made.

seeing is believing: Watching fights make male crayfish docile. Researchers in an experiment put two males into a fighting arena and a bystander was allowed to watch. After seeing the fight, the

Climate exchange Unfair share of cause and effect Ecological damages are distributed more towards poor nations Human activities are changing

Sri Lanka

The Dutch canal wetland system in Sri Lanka is an important wetland area for shrimp farming and has become a promising foreign exchange earner. However, shrimp farming in the Dutch Canal is largely unplanned and un-coordinated with more than 1,300 farms working in an area of 3,750 hectares.

In coastal Kerala, rice cultivation is alternated with prawn farming. The method requires no fertilisers or pesticides. But many farmers in the area aren t too keen on it. What ails the system? m suchitra and

11,000 kilometres in 99 days
