Rajat Roy / Kolkata June 01, 2009, 0:51 IST

West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee was today gheraoed twice by relief seekers in the state

The government is going to prepare a master plan to increase the country's forest coverage up to 20 percent in next six years, said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday while inaugurating the three-month countrywide 'National Afforestation Movement'.

Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee speaks to cyclone-hit villagers in the Bali camp on Sunday. Picture by Sanjoy Chattopadhyaya

KOLKATA, 31 May: Following in the footsteps of Rajiv Gandhi, railway minister Miss Mamata Banerjee (photograph right) today insisted that the Central assistance should reach directly to zilla parishads and they should distribute the funds through panchayat samities and gram panchayats.

KOLKATA, 30 MAY: With cattle and human corpses floating in water bodies in the wake of cyclone Aila, the threat of skin and water-borne enteric diseases and dysentry are looming large in the Sunderbans.

This publication reports on the human and economic losses caused by natural disasters in 2008 with figures based on the EM-DAT database with comparisons to previous years. It asserts that although fewer disasters occurred in 2008, events had a larger impact than usual on human settlements. In 2008 once again, large numbers of persons were affected by a few natural disasters.

This latest Greenpeace report says that climate change could bring about significant change to the intensity, geographic distribution and inter seasonal breaks in the Indian monsoon, which would have enormous social consequences.

This 2009 edition of the World Disasters Report focuses on disaster risk reduction. It argues that early warning without early action is not enough and calls for cost-effective prevention measures, rather than the expensive response operations.

Archita Bhatta Scientists pore over data to explain the unusual weather They can

