A couple of depressions in the Bay of Bengal may give rise to a cyclone this month.

Bangladesh on Wednesday called for the creation of a rapid deployment fund to combat sudden climatic shocks across the globe.

An increase in sea surface temperature is evident at all latitudes and in all oceans. The current understanding is that ocean warming plays a major role in intensified cyclone activity and heightened storm surges.

World Bank clears Rs. 511-crore for the State

Special Correspondent

Some of the Arabian Gulf states are busy developing several large, reclaimed islands and offshore townships. These structures are undoubtedly futuristic and the ideas are quite novel. However, there are serious issues of long-term sustainability of these townships.

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Two-way radio to give disaster warning along 480 km Orissa coast ABOUT 300,000 fishermen living along the coast in Orissa will benefit from very high frequency (vhf) wireless radio sets to be set up in their villages starting April. These devices will keep them updated on cyclone warnings issued by the Indian Meteorological Department. The reasons for providing people with such sets

MANGROVES NOT BIOSHIELDS: Coastal forests such as mangroves cannot protect communities from tsunamis, claims a new study to be published by the United Nations Environment Programme. Researchers from ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies and James Cook University, Australia, analyzed the pattern of damage that occurred during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and said there was no

BHUBANESWAR: The World Bank team is reported to have given green signal to the Rs 441- crore National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project (NCRMP) which would be launched in the State from April.

The devastating cyclone Nargis struck the southern part of Myanmar early in May 2008. The delta area of the Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy) River was devastated. Yangon, the largest city in Myanmar, was also struck. There is an area in the Ayeyarwady delta where the aim is to conserve the mangrove ecosystem. This is the Meinmahla Kyun Wildlife Sanctuary.

The world
