Many animal rights activists consider that all research carried out with animals is indefensible. This would apply especially to research with chimpanzees. I assume that chimpanzees are the closest relatives to humans and that they deserve ethical considerations which are similar to those accorded humans. Nevertheless, I believe that it is ethically justifiable to carry out certain types of experimentation with this species, as it is also with humans. I welcome the opportunity to defend this position here.

Exposure to environmental chemicals and drugs may have a negative effect on human health. An essential step towards understanding the effect of chemicals on human health is to identify all possible molecular targets of a given chemical. Recently, various network-oriented chemical pharmacology approaches have been published.

health Cracking the capsule Every year a million people, mostly aids and transplant patients, are killed by a disease called cryptococcosis, symptoms of which include chest pain, dry cough, abdominal swelling, headache and blurred vision. This disease is caused by the deadly fungus Cryptococcus neoformans which attacks immune systems that are already infected. Researchers have

This report describes important methodological issues involved in generating internationally comparable estimates of poverty. The special chapter, titled Comparing Poverty Across Countries: The Role of Purchasing Power Parities, also provides comparable rates of poverty using price data specific to the Asia and Pacific region, and, critically, to the poor. A major contribution of the report is to examine the sensitivity of poverty estimates to different methods for evaluating purchasing power parities (PPP).

A pestilence spread by travellers, pets and curious teenagers may show that experts have not taken everything into account when planning for an outbreak of disease, according to us researchers,

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Five years ago on May 7, 2002

Amid news of bird flu killing 20 people in Vietnam and 12 in Thailand, Japan reported its first human infection of bird flu on December 22, 2004. The Japanese health ministry said the victim caught

Depleting honeybees threaten biodiversity

THE IRRITABLE HEART: THE MEDICAL MYSTERY OF THE GULF WAR Jeff Wheelwright . W W Norton & Company . New York . 2001 . 427 pages Bill is 46 and a military
