It has finally been proved that nicotine is what gets smokers addicted to the habit. Nicotine produces the same impact on the brain as other psycho stimulant drugs

new research on an ancient Chinese treatment for skin disorders and other maladies, has brought to light the fact that the traditional remedy can actually deal more effectively with virulent forms

Across the Palk Strait, Sri Lanka turns back the pages and rejuvenates its traditional

For those who are tired of battling it out with colds, this may come as a relief. A study published in the Lancet says that 20 per cent of the people suffering from cold could benefit by taking

To conquer the growing menace of malaria, a wonder drug is being smuggled into the country, but its effectiveness is still under a cloud

According to a report in the latest issue of the New England Journal of Medicine , one out of five intensive care nurses in the US has intentionally hastened the death of a

A drug which functions in a unique fashion is being used to cure small cell lung cancer in the UK. Researchers are looking for further uses of this drug

People with high cholesterol can reduce the risk of a first time heart attack by 31 per cent and the risk or death by 22 per cent by takIng a widely prescribed drug tailed pravastatin sodium.

Latest research in Britain finds a drug, a synthetic peptide, which forces tumour cells to wither and die

RESEARCHERS at the Regional Research Laboratory (RRL) in Jammu have sought government approval for a novel anti-TB therapy containing the pepper extract, piperine. The extract is to be used
