Rituparna Bhuyan / New Delhi/ahmedabad/mumbai June 18, 2009, 0:31 IST

Almost half the proposals to be taken up by the Board of Approval involve developers wanting to curtail their plans.

Asia's rapid economic growth in recent years has contributed significantly to climate change and environmental pollution, the head of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) warned on Tuesday. In response to this, "it is imperative that we escalate our efforts to put the region on a path of low-carbon growth," bank president Haruhiko Kuroda told an ADB forum on climate change.

A vast majority of the world

Inefficiency in public spending is one of the biggest and most persistent problems plaguing governance in the country. The solution lies in targeted spending, but it has proved difficult to accomplish so far.

Flagships programmes of the Naveen Government will continue, says the Finance Minister

Interest rate of cooperative banks on crop loan reduced from 7 per cent to 5 per cent

The alternative to development under corporate globalisation is participatory ecological democracy, feels ASEEM SHRIVASTAVA

Participants in a seminar on the World Environment Day said signs of climate change had begun to look ominous for Pakistan.

Africa is taking the lead in creating its own biotechnology agenda, according to researchers based at South Africa's Durban University of Technology and the University of Kwazulu-Natal.

Since Independence, an era marked largely by limited income and growth, the Government of India has been pursuing its policies for economic welfare with reference to a nutrition-based
subsistence norm. The concept and method of estimating poverty has come in for criticism in recent years in the context of economic policy reforms based on targeted policy interventions;

The interaction of climate and development threatens to create a paradox: economic development could accelerate climate change, which in turn could block further development, locking the world into existing patterns of inequality as the natural environment deteriorates. The solution to this paradox is far from obvious.
