Global poverty has fallen dramatically over the last two centuries, and the fall has intensified in recent decades, raising hopes that it could be eliminated within the next 50 years.

Environmentally-friendly investments form part of many recently launched recovery programmes. With the right policies, they could achieve growth and a cleaner planet as well.

This comprehensive Guidebook on Sustainable Economic Development in Conflict affected Environments synthesises that work and contributes to the current international efforts, in particular of the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED), to improve economic development approaches in these difficult conditions.

Grim descriptions of the long?term consequences of climate change have given the impression that the climate impacts from greenhouse gases threaten longterm economic growth. However, the impact of climate change on the global economy is likely to be quite small over the next 50 years. Severe impacts even by the end of the century are unlikely.

The present paper evaluates the trade-off between economic development and environmental degradation with respect to different countries. The analysis is based on cross-country data on forest degradation and the level of economic development. It also examines the factors that affect environmental degradation.

The Overseas Development Institute has coordinated a 10-country study on the effects of the global financial crisis and country level policy responses in Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Cambodia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda and Zambia.

Cities in Maharashtra have been publishing Environmental Status Report (ESR) for last 12 years. These ESRs discuss the state of various natural resources and urban services and the environmental issues faced by respective cities. In order that the ESRs emerge as a more comprehensive document and play a

Cities in Maharashtra have been publishing Environmental Status Report (ESR) for last 12 years. This report concludes with strategies on how to strengthen the quality and use of ESRs for action planning and provides guidance on how to prepare ESRs as well as way ahead.

Bhutan's nature conservation policy aims to integrate nature conservation and economic development. This policy is guided by a Buddhist attitude that places coexistence with nature over exploitation of nature for economic gain.

In December 2009 representatives from 192 nations will meet in Copenhagen to complete negotiations on a global climate agreement. This paper summarizes why action in Copenhagen is urgently required, what needs to be accomplished in the negotiations, and how an effective climate regime might be designed.
