When it comes to rolling out populist schemes to woo voters at the cost of the exchequer, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) beats the ruling Congress party this election.

Between India Shining and Jai Ho, through four years of high growth that India became the story of global markets, not much has changed on the ground, it would seem. Between aspirational Indians vying for better and richer lifestyles, there are millions still below the poverty line.

India trails badly on the human development indicators. Illustration: Saurabh Singh

The manifestos of political parties have increasingly begun to resemble economic stimulus packages, with the Bharatiya Janata Party today promising tax relief to the salaried and total exemption from income tax for the armed forces and central para-military personnel.

The paper discusses how gaps in both the data on migration and the understanding of the role of migration in livelihood strategies and economic growth in India, have led to inaccurate policy prescriptions and a lack of political commitment to improving the living and working conditions of migrants.

This report discusses factors to consider when evaluating transportation economic stimulation strategies. Transportation investments can have large long-term economic, social and environmental impacts. Expanding urban highways tends to stimulate motor vehicle travel and sprawl, exacerbating future transport problems and threatening future economic productivity.

United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific "the wide- ranging Yearbook is the region

The study investigated Rural Women

The report highlights three specific areas in which the global economy experienced systemic failures. While there are many more facets to the crisis, UNCTAD examines here some of those that it considers to be the core areas to be tackled immediately by international economic policy-makers because they can only be addressed through recognition of their multilateral dimensions.

This paper uses the empirical relationship between economic growth and poverty reduction observed between 1990 and 2005 and different scenarios for economic growth to get a sense of how the economic slowdown in the region will affect the incidence of poverty. Since most countries that the work with in this paper

This report showcases the new generation of innovative public transit already operating in a variety of communities across America. Through 11 case studies, demonstrate how cutting edge
transit has been implemented quickly and cost-effectively in a variety of settings from urban to rural. Expanding cost-effective transit options is key to nation
