Many developing countries operate geographically delineated economic areas in the form of export processing zones, special industrial zones, or free trade zones. This paper provides an overview of the application of World Trade Organization disciplines to incentive programs typically employed by developing countries in connection with such special economic zone programs.

This report, published by the International Monetary Fund, presents the IMF's analysis and projections of economic developments at the global level and focuses on major economic policy issues as well as on the analysis of economic development and prospects. The report is prepared twice a year and is used for activities of global economic surveillance.

This paper focuses on the cross-cutting objective of advancing development goals throughout the Bali Action Plan in a sustainable way, making the case that there are strategic interests for developing countries in simultaneously addressing climate change and nationally-defined development priorities.

Even as the government was mulling another round of reduction in fuel prices before the elections as international crude oil prices slip to their lowest, it is important that the Integrated Energy Policy (IEP) -which was recently ratified by the Union cabinet be implemented instead.

In India, the ILO report says, casual workers earn 45 per cent less than regular workers.


New Delhi: Migration to cities from rural areas seems to be the panacea for lifting people out of poverty as per the latest World Development Report (WDR) released by The World Bank in Delhi on Thursday. The new report challenges the assumption that economic activities should be spread geographically for the benefit of the poor.

THE GOVERNMENT should further clear its stand regarding the latest notification on special economic zones (SEZs) and make the cumbersome procedure more streamlined, global consultancy services firm KPMG said.

There has been considerable debate in India about the impact of growth on employment especially in the organised manufacturing sector for different periods since the early 1980s. However, changes in the coverage of the Annual Survey of Industries demand a fresh look at the issue over a longer period. This paper attempts such an analysis for 1981-82 to 2004-05.
