Different approaches to making the economic case for improved management of natural capital in national planning are reviewed in this report. In many low-income countries natural resources sectors (agriculture, mining, forestry, fishery, nature-based tourism) are identified as the engines of economic growth.

Official development economics reflects the rest of the discipline, in that it too neglects nature's place in economic development. The neglect looks odd to ecologists, who are trained to study the slow processes that influence long-term development possibilities. A seemingly natural retort to ecologists is that people come first and that, after all, current poverty should matter most.


Barely three months ago, Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda proudly proclaimed that the state has received 94 Special Economic Zone (SEZ) proposals, translating into an investment of Rs 2 lakh crore and many thousand jobs. But by all indications, it appears that an overwhelming majority of these projects shall remain on paper only, with only four or five moving forward.

Chandigarh: Barely three months ago, Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda proudly proclaimed that the state has received 94 Special Economic Zone (SEZ) proposals, translating into an investment of Rs 2 lakh crore and many thousand jobs. But by all indications, it appears that an overwhelming majority of these projects shall remain on paper only, with only four or five moving forward.

Minister for Water Resources Basavaraj Bommai has called for a review of the 11th Five Year Plan to enhance the allocation of funds for water resources.

  View image Climate change is linked to emissions, in turn to economic growth. Limiting emissions is then about limiting growth. Thus, sharing growth between nations has been the main bugbear. The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change expressed the principle of equity by enjoining countries to take action based on common

In what would seem like a half-hearted move to rev up the domestic economy in the wake of global slowdown, the Government today said it would spend an additional Rs 20,000 crore in 2008-09 to galvanise rural infrastructure, extend sops worth Rs 1,800 crore to exporters and take a Rs 8,700 crore hit on its tax revenues by cutting the Central value added tax (Cenvat) rate by 4 per cent across the bo

NEW DELHI: Delhi Municipal Commissioner K. S. Mehra presented revised budget estimates for the current financial year and budget estimates for the next fiscal in respect of the general wing and slum and jhuggi-jhonpri wing of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi on Friday.

Eco-efficiency is an instrument for sustainability analysis, indicating how efficient the economic activity is with regard to nature's goods and services. This paper conducts an eco-efficiency analysis for regional industrial systems in China by developing data envelopment analysis (DEA) based models.
