IMPHAL, Sept 5

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Thursday formed a committee of eminent persons, including Nobel laureate Indian econmist Amartya Sen, to advise on any modification that might enable the body to fulfill its global mandate more effectively. South Africa

Bs Reporter / New Delhi September 05, 2008, 0:42 IST

In yet another forecast that India

Africa must grasp funds generated by carbon credit trading to pay for cleaner, cheaper energy and help fight climate change that threatens to undo years of economic development, the UN climate chief said on Wednesday.

Yvo de Boer, attending the first pan-African carbon-trading forum designed in part to match specialist investors with low-emission projects in Africa, said African countries had been discouraged by low carbon investment relative to other regions.

If the Buddhadeb govt in West Bengal has got itself into a political and economic mess over acquiring land for the Nano project, it may have done well to have taken a leaf out of the Karunanidhi govt

A question frequently asked today is whether planning has any relevance in a world of economic liberalization and the market economy.

Economic planning is a little like a chameleon; it can have different colours. While the Soviet government plans the activities of the socialist economy of the USSR, the Nazi party also used to plan the economic operations of a fascist Germany. Before advocating planning for the Indian economy, we should pause to inquire what is it that we are trying to recommend.

The Trade and Development Report 2008, subtitled "Commodity Prices, Capital Flows and the Financing of Investment

The annual Asian Development Outlook aims to present an analysis of the recent past and forecasts for the next couple of years for the developing economies of Asia. The Update presents four thematic chapters discussing recent global commodity price rises and their impacts on developing Asia. They suggest that high international commodity prices are here to stay. But, given that demand-pull rather than cost-push factors are causing high prices, the role of monetary policy is still relevant in containing price pressures.

PANAJI: Goa Chief Minister Digambar Kamat on Tuesday said in the Legislative Assembly that the government stood firm on the decision to scrap special economic zones (SEZs).
