East Godavari district, of Andhra Pradesh with a record number of 46.574 self-help groups of women (SHGs), is in the forefront not only in the state, but the country, and the state government has

Finally some news that is likely to bring cheers to the Northeast. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is planning to hike its annual lending to India to USD 2 billion by 2005. Extension of ADB

Member states of the World Intellectural Property Organisation (WIPO)called for a further expansion in technical assistance programs to developing countries offered under the Organisation's

In a meeting of the Madhya Pradesh Society for Poverty Alleviation Chaired by Chief Minister Digvijay Singh, a work plan was decided under which 30,000 of 14 districts 21 villages would be benefited

The parameters laid down by the National Sample Survey Organisation and the Planning Commission for identification of the below poverty line(BPL) families have led to an anomaly in Rajasthan where

Andhra Pradesh has stumbled across a roadblock on its path of development which has pulled down the growth rate of its Gross State Domestic Product below the national average of 5.80 per cent during

The fiscal reforms initiated in the Punjab Budget have opened window to the World Bank. While some of the reform measures have been taken, others are proposed to be taken in the current year. The

US trade Representative Rober Zoellick is voicing optimism that progress will be made this week in an effort to create the world's largest free trade area among 34 nations in the Western Hemisphere.

The UN World Food Programme (UNWFP) has estimated that the urban population has increased five-fold in the developing countries over the last three decades. In the next five years, the urban

The Union Government will set up an industrial estate in Sivasagar, Assam for integrated infrastructural development with a view to provide facilities for growth and medium scale industries in rural
