An elaborate monitoring system has been established in the State secretariat here to ensure delivery of basic services to every village in Madhya Pradesh. This system has been officially described

Premier Lionel Jospin gave a new tilt to French diplomacy by suggesting that France could play a leading role in channeling the energies of peaceful elements in the anti-globalisation movement.

Leaders of the Group of Eight, their meeting threatened with being overshadowed by violence on the streets, sought to characterise their decisions as important advances for the world.

The UNDP's Human Development Report (HDR) 2001 has maintained its tradition. In the 11 years since the first HDR, it has established its pre-eminence in analysing the nuts and bolts of economic

The leaders of the world's most powerful countries will retreat to a remote Canadian mountain resort for next year's Group of Eight summit, after rioting eclipsed this year's meeting in Genoa. Jean

President Bush, joining allies for a summit in this heavily barricaded city, said Friday that protesters threatening to disrupt the talks are hurting the cause of impoverished people around the

After growing protests, world leaders sat down today for the first time to discuss health, debt and the poor - exactly the topics that demonstrators have complained are ignored by rich countries. But

As leaders of the world's wealthiest nations meeting in Genoa tried to put a brave face on the global economic slowdown, the riot police blasted demonstrators with tear gas and water cannon in the

Prime Minister Tony Blair says people are "far too aplogetic" about demonstrators who disrupt gatherings of world leaders and he has urged the public to turn its back on them. "These guys don't

President Bush called today for a major change in the way rich nations help poorer countries, proposing that up to 50 percent of aid to those countries from the World Bank and similar institutions be
