Chronic exposure of bumblebees to two pesticides (a neonicotinoid and a pyrethroid) independently and in combination, at concentrations approximating field-level exposure, impairs natural foraging behaviour and increases worker mortality, with knock-on effects for brood development and colony success.

In the 14 years since the first Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study was completed in 1998, the region has experienced tremendous change in nearly every aspect. These changes have been particularly profound in the forestry sector, especially in the context of increasing demands and expectations of society on forests and forestry.

Traditional agro-systems in arid areas are a bulwark for preserving soil stability and fertility, in the sight of “reverse desertification”. Nevertheless, the impact of desert farming practices on the diversity and abundance of the plant associated microbiome is poorly characterized, including its functional role in supporting plant development under drought stress. We assessed the structure of the microbiome associated to the drought-sensitive pepper plant (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivated in a traditional Egyptian farm, focusing on microbe contribution to a crucial ecosystem service, i.e.

A range of catalysts can be applied now by public and private sector decision makers in order to rapidly raise funds needed to save the world’s disappearing tropical forests, says ‘The Little Fores

Developed countries have agreed to double the funding to support efforts in developing States towards meeting the internationally agreed biodiversity targets, including the goals of the Strategic P

Salt marshes are highly productive coastal wetlands that provide important ecosystem services such as storm protection for coastal cities, nutrient removal and carbon sequestration. Despite protective measures, however, worldwide losses of these ecosystems have accelerated in recent decades. Here we present data from a nine-year whole-ecosystem nutrient-enrichment experiment. Our study demonstrates that nutrient enrichment, a global problem for coastal ecosystems, can be a driver of salt marsh loss.

Balancing productivity, profitability, and environmental health is a key challenge for agricultural sustainability. Most crop production systems in the United States are characterized by low species and management diversity, high use of fossil energy and agrichemicals, and large negative impacts on the environment. We hypothesized that cropping system diversification would promote ecosystem services that would supplement, and eventually displace, synthetic external inputs used to maintain crop productivity.

This policy brief is largely based on the World Atlas of Mangroves (2010) which provides a wealth of knowledge on the ecology, biodiversity, distribution, economic value, and management status of mangroves around the world.

As one country sets about properly valuing ecosystem services, Anna Petherick considers the path ahead for climate change discussions.

The ecosystem services derived from conservation areas have a high value for human well being, but they do not receive due consideration in public policy in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region. As a result, conservation areas do not receive adequate public support for participatory management and other approaches.
