COMMUNICATING with children is no easy task -- writing books for them is even harder. In a conversation with a child, there is scope to answer the hundreds of questions that are asked. But a story

The Japanese art of folding paper into decorative shapes empowers tribals with the knowledge of mathematics

A programme to provide education to the nomadic Gujjars is showing encouraging results and also checking their exploitation

A software package allows material in unfamiliar Indian languages to be read in 10 others

"THE international mobility of students is a massive phenomenon, " says the World Science Report 1993. Out of a total of 61 million students in the world, about 2 per cent (1.2 million) study in

School kids in rural Tamil Nadu have, computer education rolling their way. A computer-on-wheels programme,. devised by Anna University in Madras, is teaching three computer languages - Basic, D

A Pune teacher develops a calculator made out of cardboard for as little as Rs 15, which can even handle mindbending logarithms.

A street play in Delhi urges people to stop poaching.

Zoos have evolved from being mere sources of entertainment to educational centres.

Confusing admissions rules afflict India's premier medical institute.
