Installation of solar panels have made life comfortable

As per a proposal before the State Utilities Commission of North Caro

German researchers have developed ultra thin wires from cobwebs. These wires, based on latest techno

Officials of several states in usa , led by Iowa and Michigan, have been directed to adopt the use of plant-based lubricants. A report issued by the US-based Institute for Local Self Reliance states

The world's first solar-powered funicular, a type of cable railway, has started operating between Italy's Livorno town and the Montenero sanctuary. Photo

REVA leads the charge for electric vehicles in India

Tamil Nadu s initiative to promote wind energy

Electricity generated in space using light from the sun can now be converted into microwaves and transmitted to the Earth using techno

Solarica, a privately owned Dutch company, is investing US $11.5

The world's largest windfarm, made up of 450 giant turbines, is to be be built on the Washington-Oregon border in the US. The state of the art technology used will produce 300 mw of power, which will
