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Eastern districts of Uttar Pradesh were completely cut off from the rest of Uttar Pradesh when all road and rail links snapped due to beach in over 15 river embarkments, leading to flooding of an

Lord Ganesha is joining the campaign against plastic bags this season with the Brihanmumbai Sarvajanik Ganeshotsav Samanvaya Samiti(BSGSS) urging Ganapati mandals to refrain from using plastic bags

The Delhi High Court has directed the NDMC and MCD to submit a concrete "plan of action" by Septemeber 10 on how to keep the Capital clean. A division bench asked the NDMC chairman and Deputy

India's row with the US on the latter's ban of imports of indian shrimp has become a serious issue in US domestic politics. America's environmental lobby is opposed to the dilution of the country's

Even after handing over the responsibility of operation and maintenance of assets created under the Ganga Action Plan (GAP) entirely to State governments of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, the

The Central Pollution Control Board has ordered the closure of six sugar mills till the installation of adequate pollution control devices. The action, according to the pollution control board has

The World Wide Fund-India which has steadfastly opposed environmental clearance to be given to the Sanghi Industries proposed jetty and the cement plant on the west coast in Gujarat, has reserved its

The plastics industry has been asked to regulate its polybag sector or face total ban on manufacture of all polythene carry

China is setting its aspirations at maritime prowess. The United Nations Conventions of the Law of the Sea, which allows nations an exclusive economic zone 200 nautical miles off the coast, went into

An embrrassed Maharashtra government on wednesday decided to file a writ petition to challenge the Dahanu Taluka Environment Protection Authority (DTEPA) notification stating the constuction of port
