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The Government of Netherlands, through the Netherlands Development Assistance (NEDA) has agreed to provide a grant assistance of equivalent to about Rs 199.5 million to Nepal for the implementation

A look behind the Yangzi dikes reveals martyrdom, mayhem and tragic mistakes that Beijing would rather keep quiet : a

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), custodian of the ISI quality mark, has decided to set up a separate technical committee to formulate standards on environmental management systems. This

Two platoons of the Indian Air Force were rushed to Surat today as more than 80 per cent of the city was submerged. Further damage has been ruled out with water levels beginnning to recede late

The rain fury in Nasik, Jalgaon, Dhule, Nandurbar and Amravati districts of Maharashtra continued unabated ,leaving 22 dead and causing widespread damage to crops and property. The death toll in

The Committee set up by the government to draw up job-specific norms for implementing the Bio-medical Waste Rules has recommended setting up of common treatment facilities for establishments unable

India will comply with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) obligations for disputes on patent protection for pharmaceutical and agricultural products. The Union Cabinet, on Thursday, approved a

Nearly half of the Surat city and Broach towns in south Gujarat have ben inundated by the rising flood waters in the Tapti and Narmada rivers following heavy rainfall in their catchment areas in

A poor 20 per cent of the Indian project proposals for phasing out ozone-depleting chemicals (ODS) has been approved for financial support under the Montreal Protocol Multilateral Fund. Only 33 of

All major ports in the country may soon be issued guidelines for environmental safeguards in a bid to control marine pollution, a senior Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) official has
