using cotton gin residue: US researchers have found the waste generated when cotton is ginned (seeds separa

Shortens life by two years in Europe

smokescreen: As per a study by UK-based Lon

The European Council (EC) has decided to reduce the emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases (f-gases), agreeing to phase out some of them completely. f-gases, used in refrigeration, air

start telling stories: Being a maths wizard and a great storyteller may appear completely different, but a new study by Canada's University of Waterloo suggests that preschool children's

An Asian measure of obesity

Monsanto went mainstream. No, said the market

This article shows that despite increasing catches by foreign fishing fleets, the economic growth and social benefits from marine resources have not been met for many western African countries that host these fleets. A meta-analysis of changes in catches, market values, exports, imports, employment, access, and domestic supplies in western Africa since 1960 illustrates the impact of the expansion of distant-water fleets on not only the status of the marine resources and their ecosystems but also on the economic and social conditions of the people of western Africa.

FRANCIS WURTZ, president of the Paris based European United Left party, is certain that ecology is emerging as a political ideology on the left. Attending the World Parliamentary Forum, held along with the World Social Forum WSF in Mumbai, he spoke to R

• A protocol to control heavy metals in Europe entered into force on December 29, 2003. The un Economic Commission of Europe's Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution is designed
