the European parliament has made amendments in a draft law making electronic equipment manufacturers respo

Exotic species bring slow death to native ones

Europeans descended from just 50 African migrants

The European Commission adopts a comprehensive plan to combat air pollution

fifty of the 69 rivers in Europe have poor ecological quality and most European countries have inadequate environmental monitoring systems, a new report states. Water and Wetland Index by

A deadly moth and a fly create havoc

the presence of illegal genetically modified ( gm ) material in seeds is unavoidable, an European Union ( eu ) scientific committee has stated. The Scientific Committee on Plants (

at least 37 major cities of Europe

In a bid to protect its beef exportsthe Argentine government concealed an outbreak of the foot-and-mouth disease for monthsaccording to media reports. This disclosure was followed by an immediate ban

Renewable energy is fast becoming the buzz word in the international power sector. Countries in Europe, in order to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, are moving towards use of power produced from
