This working paper provides a summary of initial findings on the factors influencing how meso-level institutions in Nepal are responding to climate change and extreme climate events. Nepal is still experiencing difficult processes of transition from war to peace.

The present state of the environment with regard to climate change is reflected in the condition of the atmosphere and hydrological system of the earth. The various initiatives taken by CSO since 1997 have led to collection, compilation and dissemination of Statistics related to Environment and a regular annual publication titled “Compendium of Environment Statistics” is brought out. As discussions on climate change took centre stage, it was decided to put together data sets related to climate change in accordance with the framework developed by CSO.

पिछले नौ साल में इस कॉन्फ्रेंस में वॉक आउट की घटना पहली बार हुई है। विकासशील देशों का कहना है कि ड्राफ्ट की बातें यूएनएफसीसीसी के प्रावधानों से मेल नहीं खातीं। इन देशों ने सीओपी 19 कॉन्फ्रेंस छोड़

The world is getting further off track in limiting global warming with setbacks in Japan and Australia outweighing positive signals from the United States and China, a study showed on Wednesday.

Bloc of 132 countries exit Warsaw conference after rich nations refuse to discuss climate change recompense until after 2015

Since the talks began last week, the two blocs have clashed over the historical responsibility for causing global warming and a demand by the developing world for compensation for the losses and da

People around the world are feeling the "wrath of a warming planet", U.N.

- At climate meet, India takes middle path on compensation for calamity damage


जलवायु परिवर्तन कॉन्फ्रेंसत्न भारत और फिलीपींस में तबाही का असर एक--सा, सुर अलग
समर्थन सिर्फ फिलीपींस का

The WHO has released a document on guidance to protect health from climate change through health adaptation planning to support the integration of health adaptation planning in national adaptation plans (NAPs).
