Climate body slammed for errors and potential conflicts of interest.

The people of Tajikistan, a small, mountainous country in Central Asia, are experiencing the impacts of climate change. More frequent droughts and heightened extreme weather

Aid agencies are well resourced and quick to act, but not enough of them appear to be using their power to tackle the long term problems posed by climate change. Aid agencies are first on the scene of many of the world's trouble spots, and often play a huge role in helping communities get back on their feet.

Trains, planes and cars halted by snow and ice. Gas and electricity supplies rationed. Sensitive crops ruined. Boats frozen into waterways.

For weeks, images of the coldest weather for decades have filled the media across Europe, Asia and North America.

The 2009 southwest monsoon recorded the third highest deficient
all India southwest monsoon season rainfall (-22% of LPA) during
the period 1901-2009. All the monsoon months except July
recorded large deficient rainfall. Region wise, except south
Peninsula, all other homogeneous regions recorded much below
normal rainfall. Activity of depression was below normal with

This report includes 14 case studies from different countries around the world. They provide compelling evidence of the roles that ecosystems play in climate change adaptation through protecting the natural resource base, providing alternative livelihood options, and maintaining resilience to future climate

This paper will focus on the concept of additionality in the context of development assistance and climate finance, especially adaptation; analyse the synergies amongst the traditional development activities and adaptation programmes and their complementarity in terms of objectives; lay out some working definitions of additionality and its practical implications; identify the potential sectoral an

This WMO annual survey on weather and climate change provides evidence that the period, 2000

Without international assistance, developing countries will adapt to climate change as best they can. Part of the cost will be absorbed by households and part by the public sector. Adaptation costs will themselves be affected by socioeconomic development, which will also be affected by climate change.

By failing to account for the effects of climate change, long-term projections of extreme weather are providing dangerously inaccurate guidance for critical investments in infrastructure and public safety.
