London: Giving contraceptives to people in developing countries could help fight climate change by slowing population growth, experts said.
More than 200 million women worldwide want contraceptives, but don

Earlier this year a Lancet Commission stated that

As the city deals with burgeoning population, the average number of births per day in the Capital is 915 against 295 deaths. Despite the high number, Delhi

Population of Madhya Pradesh is increasing at a very fast pace. In time span of seven years 1 crore people are added to the State. In the year 2001 population of State was 6.34 crore which has now risen to approximately 7 crore.

Despite having one of the oldest Family Planning programmes in the region, the Pakistan's total fertility rate (TFR) has been witnessed as 4.1 children per woman, while low contraception prevalence rate (CPR) has been observed that lies 30 per cent.

Under the auspices of the LWSI Gossaigaon camp, an awareness programme on family planning and promotion of condom was held at Dinghidoba village, some 3 km away from Gossaigaon SDO (C) office with Mohd. Joynal Abedin, lecturer, Gossaigaon College in the chair.

Julah Majra in Nawanshahr district is one of the few villages in Punjab where one gets to savour an unusual sight. As the final bell rings at the government school here, hundreds of girls, clearly outnumbering the boys, tramp out of the classrooms.

Nicholas D. Kristof

The New York Times, Published: April 4, 2009

For all the American and international efforts to fight global poverty, one thing is clear: Those efforts won

- Two-decade study reveals link between male infertility and vehicle pollution

tt for city: foul air

Ahmedabad : Talk about virility and there is nothing that can beat Gujaratis. A new study on review of family welfare programmes in the country by Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare states that Gujarat has the second highest number of condom users among men and Intrauterine Device
(IUD) insertions among women in the country.
