It wreaked havoc in Europe. Now scientists are worried that acid rain may soon acquire grave proportions in India. Acid rainwater may cause irreparable damage to the country s biodiversity, crop yields and the economy. Will we be prepared for it when d

The world has lost one third of its natural wealth in 25 years, says a WWF report

NAVASSA Island, one of the most isolated places off the coast of Haiti, have been found with more than 800 species of plants and animals. The tip of a sub-merged mountain, Navassa is located about 65

it is estimated that one of every four species of the world's vertebrates

Porto Privamera Dam, which is under construction for the last 20 years, may soon be commissioned. The dam will have serious environmental and social implications as it is being commissioned

• The minsitry of environment and forests is all set to issue a notification banning the use of plastic bags for packing items such as meat, fish and cooked food. • Flood waters have

Sikkim, a place of great natural beauty, has been neglected by botanists and zoologists. While there is apprehension that many species have already become extinct or endangered, little is being done to conserve its biodiversity

Why should bears cross the road? Simple to survive

Excessive nitrogen is causing nitrogen stress in flora and fauna

After being displaced from their natural habitat, bats are taking refuge in abandoned mines, buildings and houses
