Leaf fall and reproductive phenology of Avicennia marina assessed during 1982-83 using litter fall collections from twenty-five sites in Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand revealed major trends with latitude. Flowering shifted from NovemberDecember in northern tropical sites, to May-June in southern temperate sites. Periods between flowering and fruiting increased from two to three months in tropical sites to ten months in southernmost sites. Leaf fall was more variable with unimodal annual peaks in temperate sites and often multimodal patterns in the tropics.

Porpax Lindi. is a small genus found only in the mainland of Asia. It differs from its close relative Eria Lindl. in having the sepals joined into a tube and having a very short pseudobulb which is wider than long. While on an exploration to Silent Valley a curious population of Porpax was located. Comparing with other known species of the genus, the plants were described here as a new species. The plants were growing on lichen covered tree trunks in moist shady places.

Fri, 2015-01-30 (All day)

Billed as wonder crop, the establishment of jatropha plantations on the ground in Tanzania has been far from successful, or, in some cases, ethical: a report.

PLANT SCIENCES Never too late Flowers are more resilient than they appear. They shoot up against all odds. The credit goes to genetic matter called microRNA that inhibit protein formation crucial to flowering in young plants. External cues like sunlight make them flower. But in the absence of cues, too, flowers do blossom; the activity of

marine sciences Cloning

Electric lighting has become an integral part of modern society. When such light is inefficient, annoying, or unnecessary, it is known as light pollution. Many environmentalists, naturalists, and medical researchers consider light pollution to be one of the fastest growing and most pervasive forms of environmental pollution.

Environment can lead to a skewed male to female ratio environment can influence the ratio of males to females in plants as well as in human beings, say studies done by two different teams of scientists. In case of plants, it is an aspect of demography balancing the population. For us, it is an environmental effect whose cause can be traced back to our activities. It has been seen
