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The start of the April to June gu rainfall season was either delayed, significantly below average, or poorly distributed across Somalia. As this follows a below-average deyr season in late 2020 and a harsh dry season in early 2021, drought was prevalent in mid-April, leading to water scarcity and poor crop and livestock production conditions.

A healthy diet of fresh vegetables, proteins and fruit is a key ingredient for eliminating hunger and all forms of malnutrition and achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2, Zero Hunger by 2030.

The number of people facing acute food insecurity and needing urgent life and livelihood-saving assistance has hit a five-year high in 2020 in countries beset by food crises, an annual report by the Global Network Against Food Crises (GNAFC) - an international alliance of the UN, the EU, governmental and non-governmental agencies working to tack

Among the important tasks of the UNFSS is identifying ways to finance the transformation of the global food system.

A necessary extension of the concept of Resource Recovery and Reuse with an even higher priority is the prevention and reduction of waste. One concern, in particular, is food waste, which constitutes the largest share of human waste.