Kerala released its draft State Forest Policy on March 21, 2007. The policy has critical implications, given most of Kerala's forests are in the Western Ghats

Environmental studies may no longer be a part of the US forest management plans. The United States Forest Service recently deci

the dogfight over forest management in the country has intensified. On the one hand the Supreme Court and the Union ministry of environment and forests (moef) continue to differ over the constitution

The us federal district court of northern California upheld the

Oil lease sale blocked: In a preliminary ruling, a US federal court has recently blocked the US administration's plan to allow oil companies, access to the sensitive wetlands near the vast Teshekpuk

Committee submits report on net present value

Forest commission fails to innovate

Wanted: a fresh approach to forest conservation

The US congress has reportedly approved a $5 million waiver, thereby quantifying the debt for nature swap offer made to Sri Lanka more than two years ago. It is widely believed that this sum is peanuts, considering that Sri Lanka owes the us close to $1 b

Excerpts from Troubled Islands! by Pankaj Sekhsaria
