Year 2009 can be considered very significant as climate change concerns in transport became the primary driver of the Sustainable Transport agenda.

This report by ICCT reviews current trends in motorcycle emissions and fuel efficiency technology. Summarizes policy approaches to improve motorcycle emission and energy performance, and discusses what is required to implement these policies.

Lucas W Davis
The US cash for clunkers programme is enjoying widespread Congressional support. Billions of dollars are being allocated to pay owners of old, fuel-guzzling

Despite directions from Prime Minister

Published: May 19, 2009


President Barack Obama's tough fuel economy program for vehicles could put another damper on the struggling ethanol business, because the alternative fuel packs a lower energy content than gasoline.

This study reviews regulatory instruments designed to reduce environmental externalities from the transport sector. The study finds that the main regulatory instruments used in practice are fuel economy standards, vehicle emission standards, and fuel quality standards.

Car makers told displaying fuel efficiency now mandatory AFTER years of prolonged inter-ministerial battle, the Centre recently reached a consensus to have mandatory fuel economy standards and a labelling programme for cars to improve their fuel efficiency. The conflict was on what would be the nature of the regulations and who would be responsible for assigning the rules. The car industry

This paper is an analysis of challenges faced by the transport sector and discusses the key issues of sustainability, resource optimization, and climate change. Affordability, transportation equity, and environmental sustainability are some of the key issues discussed in the paper.

This is a best practices State Resource Guide that discusses the alternative fuels and vehicles available today and the advanced technologies that will be available in the future.
