This report assesses the potential land use and climate impacts due to an increased demand of wood for bioenergy in Canada following the implementation of the expected Clean Fuels Standard and other climate mitigation initiatives linked to the Pan-Canadian Framework.

As Arctic shipping increases, pressure is mounting to protect the environment from fuels that are harmful when burned and spilled, including heavy fuel oil (HFO). Presently, the IMO is working to develop a ban on HFO in Arctic waters.

China will take action against highly-polluting diesel trucks by imposing tougher fuel and engine standards, raising rail freight volumes and strengthening its monitoring capabilities, new guidelin

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) will not delay implementing a reduction in the amount of sulfur in marine fuel in 2020, officials with the UN’s shipping agency said on Tuesday.

The Trump administration's proposal to rollback national fuel economy standards was headed for its second public hearing a day after California officials and scores of speakers here blasted it as a

As part of its ‘Clean Energy for all Europeans’ package, the European Commission in 2016 proposed an update of the Renewable Energy Directive for the period 2021 – 2030 (RED II). A final compromise document was agreed among EU Institutions on June 14, 2018.

This briefing compares the fleet characteristics and fuel-efficiency technology deployment in China, Europe and the U.S. from 2010 to 2014. In addition, the briefing evaluates the response of the passenger vehicle market in China to the country’s fuel efficiency standards.

This paper first reviews the effects of biodiesel on emissions of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter in conventional vehicles. It compares the effects of using palm biodiesel and other biodiesel feedstocks, such as soy and rapeseed oils.

This policy update provides a summary of Canada’s proposed federal clean fuel standard (CFS) policy structure based on proposals and the framework document from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), as well as discussion of the potential impacts of not addressing indirect land-use change (ILUC).

A task force constituted by Niti Aayog in a report titled Action Plan for Clean Fuel said that taxation and pricing strategy is needed to provide impetus to cleaner fuels and discouraging the use of polluting ones. Lower taxes on the cleaner fuels are sought and for the purpose, GST can create a level playing field in the country, it said.
