Urban Efficiency: A Global Survey of Building Energy Efficiency Policies in Cities is a resource for city officials around the world as they design new policies for building energy efficiency, or review existing ones.

The Urban Water Blueprint analyzes the state of water in more than 2,000 watersheds and 530 cities worldwide to provide science-based recommendations for natural infrastructure enhancements that can be integrated alongside traditional engineered solutions to improve water quality.

Failing systems, caused by fragmented, disorganised and uncoordinated government leadership, coupled with the ineffective application of already-scarce resources, mark the state of urban sanitation in most low-and middle-income countries.

Nearly two billion people use water contaminated by faeces, posing a global health risk despite billions of dollars spent on sanitation reveals this new report published on 19 Nov 2014, World Toilet Day by WHO and UN Water. This biannual report "UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water" offers a comprehensive analysis of strengths and challenges in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) provision across 94 countries.

Inter-Parliamentary Union’s meeting comes ahead of Second International Conference on Nutrition in Rome

FAO has published a comprehensive pocketbook of nutrition-related data covering all regions of the world ahead of the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) taking place in Rome this week.

Protected areas are one of the main tools for halting the continuing global biodiversity crisis caused by habitat loss, fragmentation and other anthropogenic pressures. According to the Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 adopted by the Convention on Biological Diversity, the protected area network should be expanded to at least 17% of the terrestrial world by 2020 (http://www.cbd.int/sp/targets). To maximize conservation outcomes, it is crucial to identify the best expansion areas.

This first ever Global Nutrition Report with comprehensive narrative on levels of malnutrition across the world will be a centerpiece of the Second International Conference on Nutrition

Global gas markets may be at the threshold of a new age. An unprecedented gap between regional gas prices has triggered fundamental changes for future global gas market dynamics.

23% of the total global burden of disease is attributable to disorders in people aged 60 years and older. Although the proportion of the burden arising from older people (≥60 years) is highest in high-income regions, disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) per head are 40% higher in low-income and middle-income regions, accounted for by the increased burden per head of population arising from cardiovascular diseases, and sensory, respiratory, and infectious disorders.
