The global focus on the threats posed by climate change has drawn attention to the fact that water will be the medium through which many of its impacts will be felt.

The development of mineral resources is a key driver of global economic growth. It has the potential to transform economies and societies, including some of the world’s poorest nations, provided development is responsible and sustainable.

This guidance note aims to highlight the general ingredients for a successful Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA) and political economy analysis in climate change Development Policy Operations (DPOs) and to demonstrate that integrating a strong social perspective into DPOs and climate change strategies will contribute to effective, pro-poo

This step-by-step guide on the implementation of the Climate Smart Disaster Risk Management (CSDRM) approach is structured around the policy and programme management cycle of the approach.

This report contains 56 recommendations to put sustainable development into practice and to mainstream it into economic policy as quickly as possible.

In order to feed a population of 9 billion in 2050, the world will need a New Vision for Agriculture - delivering food security, environmental sustainability and economic opportunity through agriculture. This will require producing more food with fewer resources while reinvigorating rural economies.

The tiny fraction of freshwater not bound up in ice sheets and glaciers comprises only a very small fraction of total global water volume (about 0.79 %). Global use of that freshwater, however, has been growing at roughly twice the rate of global population for the past century.

This report analyses developments in the global renewable energy market in 2011 and makes forecasts for the year ahead. Looking back at 2011, the report found that wind, solar, biomass and energy efficiency dominated the renewables sector, striking deals worth more than US$1 billion.

India has been ranked at the 125th in terms of tackling pollution and natural resource management challenges, according to 2012 Environmental Performance Index prepared by Yale and Columbia Universities.

The spikes in global food prices in 2007-8 served as a wake-up call to the global community on the inadequacies of our global food system. Commodity prices doubled, the estimated number of hungry people topped one billion, and food riots spread through the developing world.
