This preliminary report outlines a broad strategy for green growth in the food and agriculture sector.

Power frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) are generated in the production, transport, distribution and use of electricity.

The ‘Environmental Knowledge for Disaster Risk Management (ekDRM)’ project aims at capacity development in disaster risk management by advancing environmental knowledge, particularly the use of statistics and space technology including remote sensing & GIS for decision support systems (DSS); spatial planning for Na-tech disasters within the

This brochure provides an overview of the likely effects of global change (population growth, climate change and related extreme precipitation and floods, urbanization, expansion of infrastructure, migration, land conversion and pollution) on water resources and the International Hydrology Programme's response to these challenges.

This report recommends the establishment of a global system to provide information to help manage climate risks and opportunities. The report proposes an implementation strategy for a Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) and estimates the costs of implementing the strategy would be US$75 million per year.

A review of literature on global evaluations of land degradation shows a significant development in methods and approaches to mitigate it. Earlier evaluations based their assessments on expert opinion and concentrated on only a few types of land degradation—namely soil erosion and deforestation.

The UNEP, under its Capacity Development for the Clean Development Mechanism (CD4CDM) project, has published a paper on the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which focuses on the equitable distribution of CDM projects.

Despite the obvious benefits to the environment, industry and consumers themselves, metal recycling rates worldwide are discouragingly low, according to a new report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).  The “Recycling Rates of Metals: A Status Report” says that fewer than one third of some 60 metals studied have a recycling rate above 50 per cent and 34 elements

In an attempt to give public transport a competitive edge, EMBARQ released a report on marketing and branding public transport. The reports aims to help guide cities and public transit agencies in making mass transit a competitive and desirable alternative to private vehicles.

The impacts of climate change on the global hydrological cycle are expected to vary the patterns of demand and supply of water for agriculture – the dominant user of freshwater. This report summarizes current knowledge of the anticipated impacts of climate change on water availability for agriculture and examines the implications for local and national food security.
