This publication presents a strong argument for innovating urban planning to address the contemporary challenges of rapid urbanization and poverty.

Biological diversity of the 72% of our planet covered by seawater is crucial to global resource security, ecosystem function and services, and climate dynamics. Current and future trends in marine biodiversity remain an important element to be fully assessed by the international community.

This paper evaluates projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) that abate N2O emissions from adipic acid production. The research shows that carbon markets enabled N2O emissions abatement levels that had not previously been achieved.

Scaling-up investment in energy efficiency is essential to achieving a sustainable energy future. Despite energy efficiency

The Second Report on the State of the World

The International Energy Agency (IEA) considers carbon capture and storage (CCS) a crucial part of worldwide efforts to limit global warming by reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. The IEA has
estimated that the broad deployment of low-carbon energy technologies could reduce projected 2050 emissions to half 2005 levels

The industrialised world

Climate change creates risks and opportunities for the private sector in emerging markets, and may impact the performance of financial institutions and the companies they invest in.

This latest IEA annual report contains estimates of CO2 emissions by country from 1971 to 2009, selected indicators such as CO2/GDP, CO2/capita, CO2/TPES and CO2/kWh & CO2 emissions from international marine and aviation bunkers.

Protecting the world
