The success of historically developed adaptation practices among the rural poor depends crucially on the nature of prevailing formal and informal rural institutions.

A principal aim of this study is to get a better sense of what the World Bank (WB) needs to know in order to engage Indigenous Peoples (IPs) more effectively in biodiversity conservation projects and programs.

This report explains the failure of the world's biggest carbon offsets program to make a dent in greenhouse-gas emissions.

The purpose of this report is not to prescribe specific instruments or technologies. Different technologies and different policy instruments can be applied to different sectors and countries. Indeed, the more differentiated the global strategy, the greater the scope for learning, so it is important not to be unduly prescriptive on the details of policy action.

Soaring food grain prices in recent months have caused serious concern around the world. In Asia the estimated 1.2 billion poor people who spend on average 60% of their income on food have been hit hard. Food price inflation severely stresses the most vulnerable groups.

This report provides a review of the active UNDP-GEF wind energy portfolio. It looks at the design, costs and efficiency of existing projects, drawing on the experience of 14 wind energy projects that have been financed through UNDP to help national governments implement wind energy public policies. It includes a detailed analysis and recommendations for future projects on prioritizing countries, choosing types of policies and designing mechanisms. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), for example, emerges as a possible way of increasing revenues of wind energy projects.

This paper examines some important causes and challenges of the global food crisis, from a developmental perspective. Possible responses to this crisis are discussed pertaining to trade, investment and agricultural policies and measures at the national, regional and international levels. UNCTAD's potential contribution in addressing the crisis is highlighted in this context.

Spam continues to blight e-mail exactly 15 years after the term was first coined and almost 30 years since the first spam message was sent. The term is thought to have been coined by Joel Furr, an

there is a strange kind of realism in television these days. Characters on a lot of shows appear much less plastic today. Every time you turn on the television, you are likely to find some "real people' popping up on shows that combine competition and confinement, humiliation and voyeurism in varying degrees. Whatever critics might say, reality tv has become de rigeur.

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