- A bill going to the US Senate next week seeking deep cuts in US greenhouse gases by 2050 is a "first step" but not enough to avert damaging climate change, the head of the UN Climate Panel said on Friday. Rajendra Pachauri also said that even tougher plans by some other developed nations to rein in emissions were insufficient to head off some projected impacts of global warming, ranging from more heatwaves and droughts to rising seas.

A bill going to the US Senate next week seeking deep cuts in US greenhouse gases by 2050 is a "first step" but not enough to avert damaging climate change, the head of the UN Climate Panel said on Friday. Rajendra Pachauri also said that even tougher plans by some other developed nations to rein in emissions were insufficient to head off some projected impacts of global warming, ranging from more heatwaves and droughts to rising seas.

Coal is the only natural resource and fossil fuel available in abundance in India. The major environmental challenges encountering the coal industry are impacts of mine fires, dust suppression and control particularly haul road dust consolidation, treatment of mine waters

ADATS, along with Velcan Energy, France, undertook to construct 5,500 Biogas Units for as many Coolie women under a CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) Project of the UNFCCC from October 2005. This CDM Project is well under way and even the first Verification (process by which the generation of CERs is certified) is over with the UNFCCC issuing Biogas CERs into the Emission Trading System.

This paper aims to summarize China

As the United States seeks to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from motor vehicles and to lessen its dependence on imported oil, biofuels are gaining increasing attention as one possible solution. This paper offers an introduction to the current state of play for biofuels: the technologies used in their production, their GHG emissions, and associated policy issues.

Climate policy debates often feature discussions about the role of a carbon tax, either as an alternative or a supplement to a cap-and-trade program. This fact sheet describes the similarities and differences between the two policy approaches and answers other
common questions about a tax on carbon.

This volume is the result of a trade and climate change seminar held in Copenhagen in June 2008. Following the structure of that seminar, it explores six themes that link trade and investment to climate change, for each asking where trade policy might be of service to climate change objectives.

Stop Trashing the Climate provides compelling evidence that preventing waste and expanding reuse, recycling, and composting programs

Climate change will have a disproportionate impact on poor developing countries - compared to the expected net effects in developed regions - due to a combination of more severe climatic impacts in areas that are already vulnerable today, coupled with inadequate resources, technology and organizational capacity to adapt to them.
