Greenland's parliament voted on Thursday to end a decades-long prohibition on mining for radioactive materials like uranium, further opening up the country to investors from Australia to China eage

"Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis" is the contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This comprehensive assessment of

New research shows traditional IPCC models could be underestimating global warming due to feedbacks

Some parts of nature and human society are more vulnerable than expected to climate change, according to a draft of a U.N.

The world's most sparsely populated country could be covered by swathes of forests instead
of barren ice sheet, experts say

LONDON: Global warming five million years ago may have caused parts of Antarctica's large ice sheets to melt and sea levels to rise by approximately 20 metres, a new study has claimed.

Each degree celsius rise in global temperatures is likely to raise world's sea levels by more than 2 metres within the next 2,000 years, a new study has warned.

A satellite has detected that 300 billion tonnes of ice is being lost every year from the Antarctic and Greenland glaciers, dramatically increasing sea levels around the world.

A proposal to ban the international trade in polar bear parts was rejected Thursday at a major international conference on wildlife trade, highlighting the difficulties of reaching a global consens

As the Arctic ice melts it will raise the sea level.
