Insulin, the pancreas-produced hormone that prevents diabetes when given intravenously to patients with severe burns, speeds up the healing process (New Scientist, Voll48, No 2006). In the

Otherwise considered vital for human health, vitamin A is now believed to endanger the well being of new borns, if consumed in excess

Scientists in Switzerland have Begun preparations to test a new oral vaccine for stomach ulcers. The vaccine is the result of a joint venture between the Boston-based biotechnology

TO HAVE Alzheimer's disease is consider hell as senile dementia feature. But there is with researchers at Tokyo, Japan, making avail The discovery of a lead to the Vow therapy for the

A NEW technique known as minimally invasive direct coronary bypass surgery has been successfully tested last month at Lenox Hill hospital in Manhattan, us. Valavanur A Subramanian performed the

No MORE blood need be spilt by patients "Cldergoing surgery for brain tumours arterio-venous malformations. "r,draprastha Apollo hospital, New Mqlpelhi, %ill shortly introduce the x-knife Tn

With health consciousness showing an upward trend, disposable non mercury thermometers are catching on

The land of the Brahmaputra recurrently reels under terrible onslaughts of a scourge

No more ugly patches or scars from injuries, promises a newly developed gel

Would be mothers drinking themselves merry can cause serious birth clefects to the child in the womb
