A proposed injectable polio vaccine may cut down the risk of contracting the paralysing disease

The daily dose of iron pill intake to regain health has of late been questioned by researchers

A commonly consumed oilseed northeastern India - Perii.- frutescens or Hanshi - has bee- found to reduce blood cholestero i, Researchers at the Hyderabad- basec National Institute of

Mandyam Kumar, an expert at the Siddha Medical Research Institute, Bangalore, has developed an injectable medicine - "Solar Drop" - which claims to cure patients with full-blown AIDS

Only one-fifthy of the total number of lymphoma (tumor of the lymphid tissue or lymph nodes) cases reported in northern India are women says on going US-sponsored study at the ALL India Institute

Clinical safety comes of age with the devising of a new equipment to dispose of all infected "sharps"

The threat sleeping sickness continue to loom large acrow I areas of Africa, Ivory Coast, Togo and 74 Health professiona6 in la Coast and Togo min" that hard economic and diversion of

Multiple sclerosis patients and stroke victims take a step towards cure

The much derided chewing stick has finally found a proponent

A new kind of fibre rich yoghurt not only tickles the gourmet palates, but also promises boosts to healthcare
