The us navy has decided to stop its military training on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques. "The military exercises on Vieques will come to an end within two years and a panel will be asked to

The incidence of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in Sweden has substantially increased since the mid-1980s. During the same period the climate has become milder and ticks have become more abundant. We investigated whether there is a link between the change in climate and the increase in incidence of TBE.

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NASA comes up with the most comprehensive view yet of global air pollution

A historical chance to get rid of some of the most toxic substances known to humans

More than 500,000 tonnes of obsolete pesticides are threatening the environment and the health of millions of people in almost all developing countries, warns the Food and Agriculture Organisation

A former bar worker, who developed throat cancer while working at an Australian club, has been awarded a compensation of US $450,000. Marlene Sharp, 62, a non-smoker, who worked at the Port Kembla

At present in India more than thirty mines are in operation. It produces 2800 tones of asbestos per month (mainly chrysotile and tremolite) and in recent years substantial quantity (-70%) is imported from Canada. The quality of asbestos produced in India is very poor. The mining and milling and other related processes expose the people to cancer and related diseases. Women are more affected by their exposure in processing unit compared to male who are generally working in mines.

The great musician may have suffered lead poisoning
