If the pollution control boards themselves try to underplay the importance of protecting the environment, who'll generate information about the threats we face?


Robert Repetto and Sanjay Baliga quote a number of studies carried out by Indians in India and abroad on the impact of pesticides on the immune system

Built around white blood cells and certain molecules in the blood, the immune system helps an organism defend itself against life-threatening foreign invaders. It not only tries to kill external

Wildlife studies provide extensive evidence of immunosuppressive effects of pesticides

Pesticide exposure can cause the human body to produce antibodies directed against itself

Pesticide application in Moldova has been higher than the world average, leading to increased rates of infectious diseases among the people

AT A recent meeting of the American Heart Association in New Orleans, researchers report that a safer and better alternative to aspirin has been manufactured to inhibit heart attacks and strokes.

Taking note of recent reports on health hazards posed by vehicular pollution in New Delhi, the Supreme Court of India recently gave directions to address the problem. On November 18, the court
