Women farm labourers are more vulnerable to pesticide poisoning -- and they don't even know it. A survey of 13 states conducted by the Consumers Forum, in collaboration with the Confederation of

Minimising the production of waste in industries saves raw material and, because it reduces the quantity of pollutants, lowers the cost of treating effluents.

TOBACCO came to India in the 17th century with the Portuguese and today, the plant is grown over as much as half a million hectares in the country. India was one of the first countries in the

SEVEN minutes. That's how much every cigarette reduces a person's life, according to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US. A study conducted by the institute's researchers found

Ecological economics attempts to evaluate the environmental and other external costs that a society pays to produce a commodity

Inadequate information on the labels of US drug products sold in the Third World have put many lives at risk, concludes a US government study

Municipal authorities in Thrissur, Kerala, have been accused of dilly-dallying though a deadly chemical has reportedly flowed into the town's drinking water reservoir, resulting in at least 30

Medfly Madness, made by BBC, focusses on what happens when saving a multibillion fruit and vegetable industry takes precedence over the health of human beings.

As confusion reigns over how municipal water in three Agra localities was contaminated, self appointed social workers are trying to exploit the tragedy.

A US based Tibetan organisation says not only is China intending to build a nuclear reactor near Lhasa, but is also setting up sites for missiles targeted at India on the Tibetan plateau.
