A US based Tibetan organisation says not only is China intending to build a nuclear reactor near Lhasa, but is also setting up sites for missiles targeted at India on the Tibetan plateau.

ALASKAN Eskimos and American Indians were fed radioactive iodine at the height of the Cold War, but the project leader denies it was to learn how well American soldiers could survive in the Arctic.

ACCORDING to the department of ocean development there are 40 heavily polluted areas along the Indian coast. Marine pollution problems, though localised, occur off most metropolitan cities and

Hillary Rodham Clinton, head of the US President's task force on health, has a tough task ahead in providing Americans with low cost, quality health care.

HOECHST, the German chemical company, continues to be plagued by accidents with the ninth so far since February 22 (See Down To Earth, April 30, 1993) consisting of toxic fumes that leaked from

A new, non toxic variety of kesari dal is being field tested in different parts of the country by IARI scientists.

Eminent immunologist G p Talwar , firing the latest salvo in the bovine somatotropin (BST) controversy, asserts there are no harmful side-effects to the artificial growth hormone whose use

Argues that excessive fluorides in groundwater are a serious water quality problem in some parts of Sri Lanka. The incidence of dental fluorosis shows a high correlation with the presence of groundwater in certain areas. Tube wells constructed in various rock types have shown different fluoride concentrations, possibly due to the different mineral constituents in these rocks and their relative capability of releasing fluoride ions into groundwater. It has been observed that the tube wells located in the dry zone have higher fluoride concentrations than those in the wet zone.

In the wake of the Pinatubo explosions is the long term threat to settlements posed by lahars "rivers" of volcanic sediment and rain.

Natural disasters are trying times for people and a test of government ability and determination to handle crises. In the Philippines, the explosions of the Pinatubo and Mayon volcanoes exposed how ill-conceived efforts can cause more harm than good.
