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Researchers trying to develop ways to use pig tissues and organs for transplanting in humans said on Thursday that they have found no evidence that anyone had been infected by viruses from such

The bottled mineral water that we use to keep intestinal infections may not prove to be safe always. For, a lot of bottles containing spurious mineral water have by now flooded the market in

Nicotine gum combined with a low calorie diet is a good way to stop smoking without gaining lots of weight, Swedish doctors said on Friday. Weight concerns are amajor drawback for people who want to

Australian researchers have identified a genetic abnormality that causes male infertility. The breakthrough has prompted plans for trials of a new treatment based on boosting testosterone production

In a significant finding, a recent study by the Hyderabad based National Institute of Nutrition says that consumption of tamarind can eliminate excess amount of fluoride from the bones and can be

After a three-year experiment to improve children's health through drinking soybean milk, China is continuing to improve its soybean cultivation and consumption. The commanding office for the State

The number of leprosy cases in Assam is showing a declining trend, even as the social stigma regarding leprosy continues to grip a section of the people, particularly in the rural

An anti-viral drug lamivudine holds promise for treatment of hepatitis-B. The disease's spread has assumed alarming proportions, according to an expert.Lamividine is currently used with other drugs

The Indian Medical Association today demanded the formation of a high-powered dengue disease control committee headed by the Prime Minister and heads of all ministries which have civic involvement.

Researchers working on a new approach to cancer, which starves tumours by cutting off their blood supply said that they had identified another compound to add to the arsenal. The new product, a
