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Nebel laureate, Prof. Amartya Sen today hailed the low fertility rates achieved by Kerala and Tamil Nadu, saying that in these two States, the rates were lower than the US, China, France and

The government has asked Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan to take adequate measures to check water-borne diseases.Though, a there has been a decrease in the number of reported cases of

In a bid to restructure its business thrust, Dalmia Industries Ltd, a part of the Sanjay Dalmia owned group, is developing herbal medicine as its core competence area. The company has also launched a

Pig virus no threat: Was Dhani Ram Baruah, the controversial surgeon from Guwahati who transplanted a pig's heart into an ailing patient, a maverick who got snuffed out as he was probably well ahead

The euthanasia campaigner Dr Philip Nitschke is researching a recipe for a 'suicide pill'' that terminally ill people could legally make at home using everyday substances. 'If politicians drag

Asia faces an explosion in diabetes cass that will weigh heavily on the region's finannces, especially in China and India, the President of the world's leading diabetes care company said on

The Hepatitis B prevalence in Pakistan may not be as widespread as being claimed by some quarters. The real situation is that only 3 to 3.5 per cent of the population are affected. But it is

The World Bank has suspended the release of funds for the Tuberculosis Control Project, as the Minsitry of Health and Family Welfare has not firmed up a mechanism for procurement of drugs. Expressing

About 1,330 cases of female infanticide have been reported from several parts of Tamil Nadu last year, State Information and Publicity Miniter V Mullaivendan has said. Dharmapuri, one of 54 districts

Federal advisers said on Friday the US government should consider barring blood donations from people who lived in or visited Britain because of concerns about mad cow disease. The worry is that
