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With some NGOs working in the field of AIDS and drug abuse going against needle exchange programme the global debate of total abstinence has come to fore in Nepal. "Needle exchange programme is

Deal With Death: Three to four percent of the world's population is dependent on drugsaccording to the United Nations organisation which this week staged a special World Summit in New York to support

Men who take Viagra may enhance their sex lives - but at the expense of their eyes. Tests have showed that too much of the drug can produce what is known as "blue vision," and may even cause

The Centralised Accident and Trauma Services (CATS), which was relaunched today by the Delhi Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan, is a fleet of 22 ambulances, equipped with state-of-the art radio

Dutch doctors warned Friday that smoking can more than double a person's risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Smoking not only increases the chances of getting the most common form of senile

After more than 15 years of effort, US researchers have finally been able to puzzle out the three-dimensional structure of a key protein on the surface of the AIDS virus, a feat that provides the

Killer cought syrup, that led to the death of 100 children in Haiti, has led to stringent standards in the handling of pharmaceutical chemicals the world over. Now, pharmaceutical companies and

In a breakthrough that could aid the development of an AIDS vaccine, US researchers have discovered one of the ways HIV infects the body, the latest issue of the Science magazine reports. For HIV to

U.S. Senate Republicans voted to kill comprehensive anti tobacco legislation, setting the stage for a summer of legislative warfare and framing a central issue for the autumn congressional

In killing, anti-smoking legislation, Senate Republicans took a leap of faith, trusting that the tobacco industry's $40 million advertising campaign has so changed public sentiment on the issue that
