A protein promises a new lease of life to patients undergoing heart surgery

These clot busters can be an enormous help to medical science, helping those prone to vascular diseases

Bacteria and hypertension: a new study says the two are actually linked

women who smoke, have a 50 per cent higher risk of dying from heart attack than men who smoke, say researchers. The likely reason given is that tobacco smoke has an adverse effect on the

Aspirin helps protect our hearts. True. Small, regular doses of aspirin can actually reduce risks of

The apple is passe. Now, it s chicken soup that can keep your cardiologist away

Medical science finds a cheaper, better alternative for bone marrow transplant

Medical science promises a new lease of life to all potential heart transplant patients

A diet comprising a bowl of rice and vegetables may seem rather stern compared to the relatively rich daily fare of today, but it was heart-friendly, claim doctors. With the rising living standards,

A study distinguishes the bad fats from their more harmless cousins
