The Hai Basin

During July 1986, hydrological studies were carried out in consultation with Central Water Commission (CWC) to estimate the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) based on snowmelt flood peak and the Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) in the catchment area of the Nathpa dam.

Satluj River is a major river of the Indus system and originates from Mansarovar lake in Tibet. The total catchment area of the Satluj upto Bhakra Dam is about 56875 sq km out of which about 36900 sq km lies in Tibet. The total catchment area upto Nathpa dam site is about 49820 sq km.

Abstract Black carbon in soot is the dominant absorber of visible solar radiation in the atmosphere. Anthropogenic sources of black carbon, although distributed globally, are most concentrated in the tropics where solar irradiance is highest. Black carbon is often transported over long distances, mixing with other aerosols along the way. The aerosol mix can form transcontinental plumes of atmospheric brown clouds, with vertical extents of 3 to 5 km.

India is considering an ambitious plan to link the majority of its major river basins through a vast network of canals, diverting billions of litres from the country's more water-rich river basins to

For 15 days in January, hundreds of men, women and children marched across river valleys of India's Uttarakhand state to raise awareness about government plans to build dams. The government intends to build 220 large, medium and small dams in the upper reaches of the Ganges River basin.

Rapid urbanization causes disorganized and uplanned growth of towns and cities. The pressure of an ever growing population becomes a burden on the limited civic amenities which are virtually collapsing. Asymmetrical growth of urban centres consumes agricultural land adjacent to these, resulting in lower agricultural productivity.

Water is the most important natural resource which forms the core of the ecological system. The advent of remote sensing has opened up new vistas in groundwater prospect evaluation, exploration and management. The groundwater resources of the study area, Rishikesh region of Garhwal Himalayas, are under threat due to population pressure caused by expanding tourism in this region.

Observations have shown that the hydrological cycle of the western United States changed significantly over the last half of the 20th century. We present a regional, multivariable climate change detection and attribution study, using a high-resolution hydrologic model forced by global climate models, focusing on the changes that have already affected this primarily arid region with a large and growing population.

The water level in China's longest river, the Yangtze, is at a record low. Water levels in some areas have fallen to the lowest in 142 years, officials said. On January 8, the Yangtze water level
